4 Thought-provoking questions that help to build strong company values
- 02/02/2022
- Posted by: Samantha P

When entrepreneurs are in the early stages of forming a company, many tend to make a common strategic mistake. They focus on churning out sales, while neglecting to establish clearly-defined company values. Articulating institutional values is an important procedure in business. Primarily because organizational values instill workers with a shared philosophy. A philosophy which they can use to enhance their professionalism.
It matters what a company stands for
“If companies don’t have a sense of purpose, they’ll inevitably find it difficult to make future decisions. Having a ‘why’ provides a moral direction to guide organizations in difficult times. In volatile environments of rapid technological, environmental, and societal changes, company values are a much-needed constant,” suggests Emotional Intelligence Expert Harvey Deutschendorf.
Here are a few important questions to ask, when brainstorming about company values.
What should this company take pride in?
All companies exist to achieve operational goals. However, these goals should never be allowed to overshadow employee morale. When drafting company values, design them in a way that makes workers proud to be part of the team. Make it known that money isn’t the beginning and the end of the company’s existence. People are.
What quality of service should customers expect?
One easy way to introduce good values to a company is to focus on the customer experience. Prioritizing customer needs encourages workers to be unselfish. It teaches them to think outside of themselves when carrying out their duties. This type of selflessness ultimately leads to a benevolent company culture.
What type of a work-environment should employees expect?
Even though the customer is always right, it’s impossible for a company to succeed if it’s populated with disgruntled employees. Company values should be designed in a way that creates a conducive work-environment for everyone. Employees should never have to experience mistreatment, harassment or physical danger as they work.
What should be our attitude when solving problems?
It’s easy for companies to function smoothly when things are going well. But challenges always arise in moments of crisis. Company values should be designed in a way that minimizes friction when solving problems. Workers should be inspired to be considerate and professional when confronting dilemmas.
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, one of society’s biggest debates is whether corporate culture is too dysfunctional. Companies are so consumed by making money, that businesses typically fail to put people over profits. But the system doesn’t have to be this broken. Not if companies prioritize values which guarantee dignity for all. If you like what you just read from our blog, you’ll love the various informative courses, workshops and events listed on our websites and social media. Whether you’re interested in personal development, or overall improvement of your business, give us a call at 1 (888) 823-7757 to find out how The RISE Academy can help you break past your daily struggles and start soaring in success.
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