Information As an entrepreneur, the fear of failure is very common but it is necessary to learn how to overcome it in order to succeed. Learn to have a positive mindset in any situation you face as an entrepreneur or business owner. We will teach you how to create strategies that will help you grow […]
Information The theory of multiple intelligences was created by the American psychologist, Howard Gardner, this theory was developed to describe the evolution of the human mind. In this guide you will learn which multiple intelligences you possess and how to use them as a study tool, explore your abilities and strengths and reach your goals. […]
Information In this guide you can keep an agenda of habits, so you can meet your goals and gradually become a better leader. As an entrepreneur or business owner you need to be a leader, for your employees, partners and customers, this will lead you to success. All you need is commitment, perseverance and focus. […]
Information Do you know what archetypes are? Archetypes are categories that follow certain patterns of human behavior.These categories exhibit personality traits that are easily understood—and in the case of brands, by customers and by the companies looking to define their customer audiences. In this guide, we’ll show you what an archetypes is, the personality and […]
Information What is content batching you may be wondering? Is the process of grouping content into specific batches for publishing. Batching also helps to maintain a consistent publishing schedule, which can help to boost audience engagement and website traffic. This technique allows bloggers and social media managers to plan and publish content in advance, save […]
Information Putting together a marketing strategy may sound like something you can only do with a hired expert. But what if we tell you that you can do it yourself through this Masterclass? Only you know what your company needs. [vc_row][vc_column][ult_buttons btn_title=”Free Download” btn_size=”ubtn-block” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#2158d1″ btn_bg_color_hover=”#173e91″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#2158d1″ btn_color_border_hover=”#173e91″ btn_border_size=”2″ btn_radius=”5″ btn_font_family=”font_family:Open […]